I'd like to thank again those who have regularly visited since 2018. I hope sharing some knowledge and information that I have acquired in the aero (or hydro)dynamic design of turbomachinery was helpful to at least some of them.

Due to the nature of my new design task to be assigned, I am afraid that any sharing, even though everything was public information, is strongly recommended to be closed out.

I wish you all the best on your exciting journey for turbomachinery. The email of admin@TurboAeroDesign.com is still open. When the big project is complete, the site might be able to be back on.

January 2024

Dr. Justin Jongsik Oh

Normalized Map of Turbomachinery (Let’s get unified in the standard)

One of New Features in RCOM1DR ver.7.3 (More reliable map prediction even when VIGV is severely closed)